14336 Corel Color Manager 14337 unnamed color 14338 unknown INK 14339 unknown PANTONE color %d 14340 white 14341 BLACK 14342 Transparent 14344 color %d 14368 CMY 14369 CMYK 14370 CMYK255 14371 RGB 14372 HSB 14373 Grayscale 14374 Uniform Colors 14375 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Colors 14376 PANTONE® Process Colors 14377 PANTONE® HEXACHROME (TM) 14378 Netscape Navigator (TM) 14379 Microsoft® Internet Explorer 14380 TRUMATCH Colors 14381 FOCOLTONE Colors 14382 Custom Palette 14383 Lab 14384 XYZ 14385 USERINKS Colors 14386 YIQ 14387 HLS 14388 Palette 14389 Mixing Area 14390 Color Blend 14391 Registration Color 14392 SpectraMaster® Colors 14393 TOYO COLOR FINDER 14394 DIC Colors 14395 Lab Colors 14396 Image Palette 14416 Le&vel 14417 T&int: 14418 &C 14419 &M 14420 &Y 14421 &K 14422 &R 14423 &G 14424 &B 14425 &H 14426 &S 14427 &B 14428 &L 14429 &a 14430 &b 14431 &X 14432 &Y 14433 &Z 14434 &Y 14435 &I 14436 &Q 14437 &L 14438 &H 14439 &S 14440 B&lend: 14441 &O 14442 Brush T&ype 14443 &Hard 14444 &Medium 14445 &Soft 14464 inch 14465 Default 14466 Dot 14467 Line 14468 Not enough disk space to save file %s. 14469 Opening 14470 Reading 14471 Writing 14472 Corel Color Manager 14473 Error %s %s file. 14474 untitled.cpl 14475 Custom palette (*.cpl)|*.cpl| 14476 Process palette (*.pal)|*.pal| 14477 Spot palette (*.ipl)|*.ipl| 14478 Select Color 14483 Delete '%s' from palette? 14484 You have not saved the changes to %s. Opening a new palette will discard these changes. \n \nDo you wish to continue opening a new palette? 14485 You have not saved the changes to %s. Creating a new palette will discard these changes. \n \nDo you wish to continue creating a new palette? 14486 The current custom palette is a Process Palette (%s) and cannot be saved under the *.%s format. To save your changes, rename the palette to a Custom Palette (*.%s).\n Do you wish to continue and discard your changes? 14487 The current custom palette is a Spot Palette (%s) and cannot be saved under the *.%s format. To save your changes, rename the palette to a Custom Palette (*.%s).\n Do you wish to continue and discard your changes? 14488 %s is not a valid palette filename. 14489 Not Enough Memory, Please close some applications and try again. 14490 Can't find file %s in directory %s 14493 untitled.bmp 14494 Color mixing files (*.bmp)| *.bmp| 14495 Open Color Mix File 14496 Save Color Mix File 14497 Open Palette 14498 Save Palette As 14499 New Palette 14500 BMP File (*.bmp)|*.bmp| 14501 Load Mixing Area File 14502 Save Mixing Area File As 14503 Error opening file %s. 14504 %s is not a valid mixing area file. \nOnly 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit non-compressed .BMP files are supported. 14505 Error reading file %s. 14506 Error - low memory. 14561 Warning 14617 C 14618 M 14619 Y 14620 R 14621 G 14622 B 14623 The specified color name has already been used. Please choose another name for this color. 14625 Hex. Yellow 14626 The number of colors in the Custom Color Palette has reached its maximum. Adding the new color will cause the last color to be overwritten. \n Would you like to add this color? 14627 Adding all colors will cause the maximum number of colors in the Custom Color Palette to be exceeded by %d colors. Delete some colors from the Custom Palette, or create a new palette before adding these colors. 14628 Custom Colors - 14640 OK 14641 %s calibration error. 14642 General error. Please check your Profile generating procedure. 14643 Not Enough Memory. Please close some applications and try again. 14644 Cannot open file %s. 14645 Incorrect file format or Bad values in %s. 14646 Not enough disk space, or file %s is read only. 14647 Incorrect file format or Bad values in %s. 14648 %s calibration error. 14649 %s calibration error. 14650 Exit Corel Color Manager? 14651 Time out 14652 Can't overwrite %s ! 14653 File %s does not exist ! 14654 Scanner calibration file %s does not exist. 14655 The file %s is read only. Please change the file attributes and try again. 14656 %s is not a valid System Profile. 14657 Incorrect file format or bad values in measurement file %s. Check that all colors are in XYZ100; check also that the file contains %d colors. 14658 Gam&ut Alarm 14659 &Measure From 14660 &None 14661 &Gretag SPM55 14662 XRite &DTP22 14664 Do you want to overwrite the existing file ? 14665 Other... 14666 Please wait... 14667 Generating the System Profile %s 14688 &Add Color to Palette 14689 &Swap Color 14690 B&rush Size 14691 &Small 14692 &Medium 14693 &Large 14694 &Color Model 14695 CMY&K - 3D Subtractive 14696 &RGB - 3D Additive 14697 HSB - &Hue Based (Default) 14698 HSB - &Brightness Based 14699 &CMY - 3D Subtractive 14700 HSB - &Wheel Based 14701 &Lab - Device Independent 14702 &YIQ - Television 14703 HSB - &Saturation Based 14704 &Load Bitmap... 14705 Sa&ve Bitmap... 14706 Cl&ear Bitmap 14707 Show Color Names 14708 &PostScript Options... 14709 &Grid Size 14710 Color Options 14711 Palette Options 14712 Mod&el: 14713 Typ&e: 14714 Mod&el: 14715 Selecte&d Color 14716 Add A&ll Grid Colors to Palette 14717 &Get Color 14718 &What's This? 14719 Make &UserInks Color... 14720 \ColorMgr.exe 14722 Could not load the Color Manager. Please ensure it is properly installed. 14723 Color Manager - Error 14724 Color Manager was unable to detect the selected device. \n Please check that the correct device has been selected, \n and that connections are in order. 14725 Color Manager was unable to read the measurement. Please try again. 14726 Device failed to validate password.\n Possible transmission error, please check connections and try again. 14727 An unspecified device error occurred with the Colortron II 14728 &XRite 918 14729 &Colortron II 14732 The DLL's %s and %s are both required for the Colortron II,\n and at least one could not be found. 14745 The calibration was successful. 14746 The calibration was not successful. Please try again. 14752 K 14753 H 14754 S 14755 B 14756 L 14757 a 14758 b 14759 O 14760 Color Name - 14761 Color Manager was unable to read the measurement. \n Please take the measurement again and check that \n Your Colortron II is calibrated correctly. 14784 Color Models 14785 Palettes 14786 Color Blender 14787 Mixing Area 14788 Paint 14789 Pick Color 14790 Update Reference Color 14791 Use Printable Color 14792 Custom palette - 14793 Calibration successful. 14794 Calibration error. 14795 Awaiting calibration data. 14799 None 14822 No Color Management System installed. 14835 Cancel 14836 Finish 14841 &Delete UserInks Color... 14852 C 14853 M 14854 Y 14855 K 14856 H 14857 S 14858 B 14859 L 14860 I 14861 Q 14862 R 14863 G 14864 B 14865 L 14866 a 14867 b 14868 Edit 14869 Pick 14870 RGB 14871 HSB 14872 HLS 14873 CMY 14874 Lab 14875 YIQ 14876 Color Blend 14877 CMYK 14878 CMYK255 14879 Grayscale 14880 Registration Color 14881 Palette 14882 Mixing Area 14883 Uniform Colors 14884 Image Colors 14885 Custom Colors 14886 XYZ 14887 PANTONE® Process Colors 14888 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Colors 14889 PANTONE® HEXACHROME (TM) 14890 TRUMATCH Colors 14891 SpectraMaster® Colors 14892 TOYO COLOR FINDER 14893 DIC Colors 14894 Lab Colors 14895 Netscape Navigator (TM) 14896 Microsoft® Internet Explorer 14897 FOCOLTONE Colors 14898 Green 14899 Blue 14900 Cyan 14901 Magenta 14902 Yellow 14903 Black 14904 Gray 14905 Channel 14906 Duotone 14907 Fill Mixing Area 14909 Inside Gamut 14910 Outside Gamut 14911 USERINKS Colors 14923 X 14924 Y 14925 Z 14926 Paper Color 14927 Paint Color 14928 Show Color Com&ponents 14929 S&how Color Name 14930 Show Mi&xing Area 14931 Show &Model 14932 Swap Co&lors 14934 &What's This? 14935 &Properties... 14947 Gam&ut Alarm 14949 &Add Color to Palette 14950 Red 14954 B&rush Size 14955 &Small 14956 &Medium 14957 &Large 14958 Load Bi&tmap... 14959 &Save Bitmap... 14960 Clear &Bitmap... 14961 &Grid Size 14962 &Color Model 14963 &CMYK 14964 &RGB 14965 &HSB 14966 &Edit Color... 14967 &Rename Color 14968 &Delete Color 14969 &New Palette... 14970 &Open Palette... 14971 &Save 14972 Sa&ve As... 14973 Show Color Names 14974 Auto-Blend 14978 Brush T&ype 14979 &Hard 14980 &Medium 14981 &Soft 14982 O 14983 HSB - &Wheel Based 14984 HSB - &Hue Based (Default) 14985 &RGB - 3D Additive 14986 &CMY - 3D Subtractive 14987 CMY&K - 3D Subtractive 14988 &Lab - Device Independent 14989 &YIQ - Television 14990 &Color Model 14991 HSB - &Brightness Based 14992 HSB - &Saturation Based 14993 Make &UserInks Color... 14994 &Delete UserInks Color... 15115 Corel Black 15116 Corel Red 15117 Corel Green 15118 Corel Blue 15119 Corel White 15120 Set Absolute References 15121 You should do this at least once a day, but there's little benefit from doing this more than twice a day. 15122 Absolute White 15123 Last set: 15124 Absolute white has not been set. 15125 Measure the white Calibration Target matched to your Colortron(TM) until you hear the 'measurement done' sound. 15126 Absolute Black (Zero Reflectance) 15127 Last set: 15128 Absolute black has not been set. 15129 Measure the opening on your Black Trap until you hear the 'measurement done' sound. 28671 CorelCMS